Philomel, having understood and accepted their silence, was relieved of her worries. She had one last thing to say to Jeremiah.
“Jeremiah, umm…”
Philomel cautiously called out to Jeremiah.
“I’m sorry for locking you up yesterday.”
“It’s okay. You’ve already apologized.”
“Now, you can go anywhere you want to go. We talked about everything we wanted to while touring the square today.”
“What did you guys talk about?”
“Just various things.”
Actually, she had given up on her plan to make Jeremiah on her side. If it resulted in Jeremiah turning against Philomel and siding with Ellensia, it would be a painful loss. However, she didn’t want to use his dark side, which she had learned from the book, to gain favor. That would be the last conscience of someone who secretly peeked into the future through the book. Also, it was the feeling of solidarity she felt as someone who didn’t want to reveal a secret she didn’t want.
Philomel hadn’t hidden the book that described her as a fake princess until now. ‘Even if I start to dislike her, she’s my sister. What could she possibly do? Plus, I have Le Guin with me.’
Since it was their last meeting, Philomel smiled brightly at Jeremiah.
“Jeremiah, please go wherever you want to go. Thank you for today.”
For some reason, Jeremiah shook his head and said nothing. Even though he didn’t know why, his fist was trembling.
“I don’t want to go!”
“… What”?”
“I wanted to leave, but since you don’t want me to, I’ll give up!”
His eyes, resembling the sky, were filled with betrayal.
“I told you yesterday that I would leave even if you stopped me. Why are you like this now?
Philomel was beyond bewildered, but had no way to solve the mystery.
Anyway… Jeremiah ended up staying in the palace.
A few days had passed since then.
Philemon cleared out her original room and moved to the state guesthouse in Southern Palace.
Now, the palace staff called her Lady Philomel or simply Philomel, not Princess Philomel.
Though she was not a noble, she was treated as an honorary noble due to her status as a state guest. Actually, her residence and treatment were no different from those of foreign royalty.
Le Guin spoke up suddenly, lounging on the couch.
“Can’t you just introduce me as your father?”
The workers had finished unloading and organizing Philomel’s luggage at the state guesthouse.
Philomel checked to see if everything had arrived safely and answered.
“I’m sorry, that’s a bit…”
“Don’t want to acknowledge me as your father?”
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That was the right answer.
Le Guin continued, unfazed by Philomel’s silence.
“It’s okay, it’s my fault. I learned of your existence too late, and our first meeting was not very pleasant. It makes me annoyed just to think about it.”
“… But I was the one who cried. Why are you annoyed?
“Don’t they say ‘annoyed’ and ‘upset’ are different things? Anyway, I’m not feeling good.”
Philemon recalled what Lexion had told her before – that Le Guin was a complex yet simple person.
“Le Guin only has two emotions – feeling good or not feeling good.”
“When he’s feeling good, it’s usually because his research is going well, he’s discovered something interesting, or someone he didn’t like got what’s coming to them.”
“When he’s not feeling good, it’s because someone is continually bothering him… Well, you’re not going to do that, so don’t worry about it.”
“If he’s not feeling good enough to get annoyed, just leave him be. Time will work its magic.”
Le Guin continued talking.
“Is this maybe a feeling of guilt? Hey, Phil, what do you think?”
“I don’t know. Imagine how you would feel if you did something wrong to someone else.”
“Wrong? What’s wrong?”
“For example, if you accidentally stepped on somebody’s foot while walking past them.
“What’s wrong? But the person who put their foot there is the one who made a mistake.”
Never mind. They weren’t getting anywhere.
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Philemon sighed softly and opened the jewelry box to check on her other belongings.
Philomel made an absentminded sound.
“What’s wrong?”
“All my jewelry is gone.”
The white ceramic jewelry box was empty.
Philomel asked the Countess of Deles or the maids about the missing artifact, but they knew nothing either.
They were sorry because they couldn’t manage it properly, but Philomel managed to calm them down as they wished it wasn’t them.
Frankly, it was not questionable at all.
Philomel realized again that she believed in them quite a bit. She didn’t want to blame them for their negligence.
‘Everyone must have been distracted by my disappearance.’
an empty room with many valuables but no owner.
Knights also frequently disappear to be investigated because of Philomel’s disappearance. It would have been the best game for the unsub.
Even if the valuables were found to have disappeared as a bonus, it was highly likely that all the missing Philomel would be overturned.
When the fake princess ran away, she took everything to her ears. What a perfect picture.
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At that time, Lexion appeared in front of Philomel while taking a walk around the southern Palace.
“Phil, you called?”
“Thank you for coming, Lexion.”
“You’re welcome.”
The Southern Palace is a place where imperial guests stay and belong to the state, which is outside the imperial palace. Thanks to this, it was good for him, a court wizard, to sneak in. Not only the court wizards’ workplace, but also the accommodation in the outer palace.
‘It’s relatively easy to do.’
Lexion, who heard the situation, raised the frame of his glasses.
“That’s what happened. If you’re going to, let me know… You mean you’re not going to accuse him of being the official route, right?”
As expected, Lexion spoke well.
“That’s right. If you accuse, the criminal will be punished, but I don’t have anyone in my hands.”
“You want his safety.”
“Can I ask you a favor? Le Guin says Lexion is the right person for this kind of thing.”
“Unfortunately, there are some people in the capital who know me, so I can listen to Phil’s wishes. But do you want no harm to your body?”
“As long as I can, I’m afraid. It can’t be helped if there’s a lot of resistance.”
“I see.”
The two faced each other and smiled obligingly. It was the moment when Philomel learned a new aspect of being an elite wizard.
The first brother whom I only knew.
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“…What are you two doing?”
Jeremiah, who was behind Philomel, looked tired.
“Jeremiah… How long are you going to live with Phil?”
Lexion said in a pathetic tone.
“It doesn’t matter what I do.”
Jeremiah frowned back.
“I’ll create a position as a court wizard, so get a job.”
“That’s it.”
Lexion shook his head.
Philomel smiled awkwardly and said cautiously.
“I’m alright. I’m sharing a room with Le Guin anyway.”
“Le Guin can transform into an animal, so that’s the case, but Jeremiah can’t stay hidden forever.”
After some time, Lexion found and captured the criminal. It was also someone that Philomel knew.
What were you doing here?”
“Your Highness! Uh, well, that… I’m sorry!”
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Emilie, the maid who was standing outside the room in confusion when Philomel met Nassar, was also there. She was also a maid under the orders of Princess Ellensia, spying on Nassar’s actions.
Emilie fell to the ground, trembling and yelling.
“I am a maid of Princess Ellensia! Even if you’re Philomel, you can’t talk to me like that!”
Philomel spoke softly.
“My jewelry was involved in illegal activities, and the situation hasn’t been fully investigated yet, right?”
Then Emilie made a gasping sound.
Stealing from the palace, especially from nobles, was a serious offense that could result in capital punishment. Emilie imagined the future that awaited her, and her face kept turning pale.
“But you’re not a real princess, right? So it’s not Philomel’s belongings!”
“Anyway, stealing things that I, as a noble, have purchased, is considered a crime. It should be recorded as belonging to the nobility in the books.”
“But doesn’t that mean it automatically becomes the property of Princess Ellensia?”
Emilie began to panic and shout.
“No argument? Then send me to Princess Ellensia! I’ll leave it up to her to decide!”
Then, Jeremiah, who was leaning against the wall, looked at Lexion and spoke mischievously.
“You scared her. Did you handle the case properly?”
“I’m speechless. I’m not good in that area.”
Emilie trembled and looked back and forth between the two who were talking.
“Who are these people anyway? What are they doing with suspicious people?”
It was noisy.
As Philomel demanded, the Emperor blocked off access to the imperial audience hall for anyone except the court officials appointed at a designated time. Therefore, even if Emilie shouted, no one would hear her, but it was still noisy.
“Emilie, shut your mouth before you accuse me.”
Philomel sighed softly.
“Eh, Princess Ellensia would forgive me…”
“I bet Her Highness the Princess won’t be able to protect you until the end if I make a formal accusation?”
Philomel raised one corner of her mouth and sneered.
Emilie was stunned.
Although Nanny has a similar record, it’s easy for people to hold a grudge against themselves. In fact, even to give the impression that she has become more righteous, she will treat you more harshly. It’s too obvious, so I can anticipate it.
As Emily thought of Nanny, her heart sank.
Even though Nanny had only been in Princess Ellensia’s quarters for a short time, all the maids disliked her.
She comfortably laid down and bossed around others. Perhaps it was because she couldn’t control herself, she always tried to control others severely.
She was truly an extreme person who dried up her blood.
Even the kind Princess Ellensia occasionally frowned upon seeing Nanny.
“If Nanny finds out, it’s the end!”
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And there was another pressure on Emily, that is, Philomel.
The former Princess and the current woman in front of Emily were so different.
Princess Philomel smiled and overlooked the mistake of the palace servants, was generous when rewarding, and even gave small courtesies.
Many palace servants liked the princess, but some followed the trend and tried to please her.
Emily was one of those servants.
So, if she was firmly denied, she thought she wouldn’t have much to say…
She fell to the ground, hitting her head as if she was knocking on it.
“I have committed a sin that deserves death! Please forgive me once, and I will do anything for Philomel! Please have mercy!”
Finally, Emily found the only way she could survive.
Philomel nodded satisfactorily.
“Really? Then… okay.”