I, Who Still Had 1.8 Billion Seconds To Live, Made A Promise With The Shinigami
I, Who Still Had 1.8 Billion Seconds To Live, Made A Promise With The Shinigami
By 酒煮核弹头
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Unfortunately, you only 1.8 billion seconds left to live. Please live a meaningful life. According to the Shinigami, I have 1.8 billion seconds left to live, and my childhood friend is going to die today. “The time we have spent together, it is all going to waste.” To lose the meaning of life, to lose all that I love, and to lose her smile, and so, my naive and boring way of life has come to an end. I will never accept such an ending for her. We have boarded the train departing from the other world, and now is our destination the intersection of destiny? Or is it―

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