Dystopia: A Society Where Men Are Controlled
Dystopia: A Society Where Men Are Controlled
By 酒煮核弹头
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The story revolves around Aoi Souma, a beautiful young boy who voraciously gathered knowledge and has now regained memories of his past life. It’s a near-future world, undoubtedly set in Japan, but not a world that exists on an extension of his previous life. The society is significantly skewed towards a female majority, humanity has awakened to supernatural powers, and they are threatened by invaders known as “Klansies.” In this society, where males are managed by the state for the continuation of humanity, the norms are different. Women long for contact with men, and men engage in intimate relations out of a sense of duty. In such a world of values, Aoi Souma, with his unchanged s*xual desires and sensibilities from his past life, is an anomaly. This is a tale of a young boy who, in a dystopian society that is not an exaggeration to describe as controlled, strives to establish an ideal harem life safely and surely.

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