My Strange Savior
My Strange Savior
By 酒煮核弹头
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Due to a zombie virus, the world has collapsed, and only a few humans have survived. Among the survivors is Gia, a half-zombie-enhanced human who needs a cure to prevent turning into a full zombie. However, there are only six doses of the cure left. While chasing Dr. Morrison, the one responsible for spreading the virus, Gia finds herself in a strange world. Goblins, dragons… unbelievable monsters. And a very handsome man surrounded by monsters. “It seems like your world is also in danger?” She saves Kalion, the leader of an empire’s knights who is in a life-threatening situation, but there is nothing they have in common from the very beginning. To prevent this world from falling into ruin, the forced journey of the inflexible knight Kalion and the time-limited half-zombie Gia begins. * * * “I love you.” This honest man has confessed his love to me. I thought it was a love that I would never be able to reciprocate. Did God take pity on him and grant his wish? A life with a time limit. My heart moves at his confession.

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