No Romance Tonight
No Romance Tonight
By 炙蒔韰99
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A warm-hearted, seemingly upright and talkative supervisor takes the dominant role, while a cold, glamorous, truly icy senior executive assumes the submissive role. [From the Perspective of the Younger Party] After two months of collaboration, Su Yi managed to melt the icy demeanor of the executive after a drunken encounter. The next day, she slipped away while the beauty was showering, leaving a message stating, “I’m sorry, Director Jin. I think we’re better suited for work rather than romance.” Expecting Jin Yuan to cut ties and distance himself from this “awful woman,” Su Yi found that the alcohol-fueled Jin Yuan either nibbled her ear or nibbled her neck, displaying a habit of tender care towards her. Soon after, a long-lost online friend approached Su Yi to settle an old debt of love. Caught by Jin Yuan while mingling at a bar, Su Yi retorted, “Are you planning to bring another woman home after drinking again?” Jin Yuan coldly smirked, “So what if I am? Bring a few more; eventually, I’ll find one who won’t run away.” Frustrated, Su Yi left the friend behind and coaxed Jin Yuan on the couch. Her attempt at a kiss was intercepted by his finger, “Supervisor Su, you must decide. Do you want a relationship with me, or just a one-night stand?” [From the Perspective of the Older Party] For thirty cold and indifferent years, it was Su Yi who made Jin Yuan realize that he had a heart and emotions. Therefore, she repeatedly showed weakness, allowing Su Yi to have his way with her. It wasn’t until she coincidentally discovered a family photo of Su Yi’s sister-in-law at Su Yi’s home, combined with the name “Jin Yi,” that she finally understood why Su Yi had fled after their one-night stand. It was because Su Yi had seen the family photo at her bedside. She placed the photo in front of Su Yi, “Is this… your love?” Before dawn, Su Yi, who had just been discharged from the hospital two days ago, found herself back in the hospital. However, this time, there was no sign of Jin Yuan in the hospital room. *Content Tags: Romance, A fortuitous encounter between the younger party and the elite industry, sweet story, older woman

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