Under Clear Skies
Under Clear Skies
By 大风不是木偶, Gale Is Not A Puppet, Dà Fēng Bú Shì Mù ǒu
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Tang Heng gets into trouble while playing in a band and meets Li Yuechi, who comes to his rescue. As they get to know each other, Tang Heng falls in love with Li Yuechi despite their polar opposite family backgrounds, but Li Yuechi is imprisoned for stabbing Tang Heng’s uncle. Six years later, Tang Heng is now a university teacher. He’s reunited with Li Yuechi again during a poverty alleviation project and the truth of what happened back then is revealed little by little… Tang Heng witnesses the cruelty and reality of the world and the dark side of people. He suffers from the blow brought by the truth but never forgets the original heart and faces it bravely… Through the main character’s experience, the story makes us believe more firmly that as long as we have justice in mind and go forward, we can definitely see the light.