Chp 7: Morning hours are precious
I really got a review!
It’s a little secret that for a moment I had a serious look on my face and said, “What a great review”.
[Geez, I overslept!]
Far from tearing the silk, Himeko’s screams echoed through the Kirishima household in the morning
I, who heard her voice muttered, “Honestly
 ”, as I was turning the eggs in a rectangular frying pan
I’m currently making Dashimaki Tamago, it’s one of my specialties,with a strong flavour of bonito flakes.
It was a bit disappointing that I had some chopped up potherb mustard to clean out the refrigerator. However, I just ate it because it gave the dish a fun texture
[Nnn, why didn’t you wake me up?!]
[No, I mean, just look at the clock]
[It’s almost 7:30!]
[You can just
 dash to school, right?]
[If I dash to school
 Uhm, I think I’ll manage it]
[Your school is close anyway]
Himeko, who still has her sleeping habits, sticks out her tongue with a small, ‘tehe’.
I had my thoughts about the move. However, the fact that her school hours were greatly reduced was something she was really happy about
[Onii, what’s that?]
[It’s my lunch. I made it from yesterday leftovers with some dashi rolls added. I found something similar to this at the school cafeteria yesterday]
[I see. Moreover, where’s my part, Onii?]
[Alright, alright. Here’s your lunch]
[As expected from Onii, I knew you’d understand]
I felt a chill when I remembered yesterday's cafeteria problem. Well, a crowded cafeteria counts as a problem for me.
The way people were rushing towards the food was like soldiers in a battlefield. It must have been something usual for students in the city
But I wasn’t trained for something like that. I didn’t have the courage to charge into the battlefield(cafeteria) every day, let alone once a while.
So I prepared a lunch box. I also made one for my sister since I thought that the same thing happened in her school too.
(Author: fyi, Hayato had a rather caring nature)
Although we had plenty of time to spare, it wasn’t the time to relax.
After a quick breakfast and preparations, Himeko and I left the house at the same time and locked the door
[It’s hot...]
The moment we stepped outside, both Himeko and I said the same line
Unlike in the countryside, there was no bare ground, and the asphalt stored the heat. There were no trees to block the sun, and the early summer sun was baking my skin
Unlike Tsukinose, the temperature in this town is extremely high during summer. Both Himeko and I walked to school together, feeling depressed from this heat
[Well then, I’m going this way, see you later]
I parted ways with Himeko, after quite a while, I missed the coolness on the countryside
The number of people and the lack of greenery made me aware that I had arrived in a new place
It’s not that I hate the idea of moving. I just need time to get used to this.
(Ah, speaking of which)
As I was thinking about the countryside, I remembered something a bit bothering.
It was the ridged flower bed a the back of the school building that had reminded him of Tsukinose
Zucchini flowers bloom in the morning and wilt by early afternoon.
That’s why, the only time to pollinate zucchini is at the morning
In my mind, I saw a girl who works hard but is always in a hurry
(I wonder if she’ll be okay
I went to the flower bed right after I passed the school gate